Spicy Food Reviews (and Recipes)

Where Fire Meets Flavor: Covering Foods That Bring the Heat!

Recipe Perks: Those Sweet Onions

You will start to notice that I add sweet onions quite often to the recipes I post on this blog and that’s because we love those sweet bulbs here in Texas. We have them year-round in the grocery stores, and if you don’t have them readily available in your state, I can refer you to some realtors that would be happy to relocate you to the Lone Star State where these have been dubbed the official state onion (bet your state doesn’t have an...

Chili Pepper 101: Is It Chili Pepper or Chile Pepper?

We love our chili peppers and the food to which they are added, but are we spelling the word correctly? You may see it spelled chili, chile, and sometimes even chilli, but which is correct?. Is chili the dish with meat and spices, or is it the term for the pepper. And is a chili the same as a pepper or is it just a chili. The answer for all can basically be yes. Hear is Merriam Webster's take on the chili, chile, chilli conundrum: The difference...

Welcome to the Spicy Food Reviews Blog

Welcome to Spicy Foods Review, a new blog dedicated to foods that bring the heat. I am Paul White (aka Pablo Blanco), lover of all things with spice. I can take the heat, but I’m not looking for the absolute most insanely hot stuff out there, as I want taste with my spice as well. The right balance of heat and flavor is the true perfection in my opinion, where fire meets flavor. But I do venture into the inferno from time to time. My goal with...