March 6, 2025

Spicy San Antonio: A Guide to Spicy Food in and around San Antonio, Texas

I have been reviewing places that offer spicy eats throughout San Antonio and the surrounding area for several years now (you can find those here), and I finally decided to put together a guide to help people track down places of interest that offer some heat. You can find that at my Spicy San Antonio page along with an interactive map showing all the locations in the area. Not all of these locations will set off an inferno in your mouth, but they still offer some good spicy eating. As I say on a regular basis here, I search for that perfect juncture where Fire meets Flavor, and the establishments in this guide all fall in line with that. But quite a number of these places are also known for particularly hot items, so if you are searching out the the inferno, this guide will help.

This list is just a start, put together based on places I have visited and/or suggestions I have solicited on social media. I expect it to continue to grow, and I welcome suggestions for new places that will be added. If you do make a suggestion, please let me know what item or items the establishment has that bring the heat. If I get multiple suggestions for the same place, I will likely add it to the list. Otherwise it may not get added until I have had a chance to pay it a visit.

I would like to focus this list on local and regional chains as much as possible in order to promote Texas-based businesses. But there are national chains that can’t be ignored like Buffalo Wild Wings, Wingstop, and Dave’s Hot Chicken. These all deserve a place on the list and I will consider other national chains with notable spicy offerings as well.

If you do have suggestions, feel free to add them to the comments below or in the comments section of the Spicy San Antonio page. And if you have visited any of the establishments on my list, feel free to add your comments in the pages I have set up for each business. Hopefully this list will continue to grow and prove to be a helpful guide to spicy eating in the San Antonio area!

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