March 24, 2025

Spicy Snacks: H‑E‑B Carolina Reaper Pepper Cheese Puffs

H-E-B is a Texas-based grocery store chain and they have their own brand of snacks that offers some spicy selections from time to time. One of the most recent ones they have added to the aisles is the Carolina Reaper Pepper Cheese Puffs, a fiery take on the beloved cheese-flavored snack. Following is the product description given on the website:

Do you have what it takes to FACE THE REAPER? H‑E‑B Carolina Reaper Pepper Cheese Puffs will push your taste buds to the limit. The Carolina Reaper Pepper tops the Scoville Scale for pepper heat, which means it’s one of the hottest peppers on the PLANET. Consume with caution, but we dare you to stop after one handful.

They also include a warning not to touch your eyes after consuming these. Because not only is that going to burn your eyes, you’re going to get that cheese dust all over your face!  Messy, messy, messy!

At first bite of one of these spicy puffs, you taste exactly what you would expect: cheese puff. If you wait a few seconds, though, or chomp into a second one, that heat will start to kick in. It’s not an immediate assault of fire, but it builds up fast and furious! Along with the yummy cheese puff taste, you can definitely pick up hints of the deep, raisiny flavor you get when you bite into a dried ghost chili. (You’ve never bitten into a dried ghost chili? That’s one of life’s great experiences!) The cheesy taste still dominates, but you know that there is some chili pepper baked into to this puff.

As for the heat level? It might be a bit much for the average mortal, but chiliheads can definitely hang while eating these. It builds up close to a medium heat (not hot like the bag says) and it is definitely one of the spicier snacks you will find in the grocery aisle. But it is far short of the inferno level. It is certainly spicier than the Frito-Lay Flamin’s Hot Cheetos or the Flamin’ Hot Nacho Doritos. (While on the subject of Doritos: Bring back the Blaze chips! Those packed a punch!) But nothing that will send you screaming from the room if you have any tolerance for heat. I eat them by the bowl (pictured below), and it does not leave me in pain. But the heat does have a nice lingering effect.

Interestingly, there are all sorts of YouTube videos out there with people eating these with reactions from “meh” to “make way for the exit!”. You can sample some of those at this link.

So if you are looking for a spicy snack, these are a good choice, especially if you are a fan of cheese puffs. (And who doesn’t like a good cheese puff? As for that Chester Cheetah character who shills those for Frito-Lay? He’s a bit creepy.) They succeed at combining good taste with the right amount of heat and should satisfy those who like to kick the spice up a notch while munching. I’m not certain if these are limited-time-only, but I will definitely be picking up a bag from time to time when I go down the snack aisle.

H-E-B is based right here in San Antonio and originally got its start in Kerrville, Texas (the store name is the founder’s initials: Howard E. Butt). The chain is common throughout the state and even extends into Mexico. If you are unfortunate enough to not live in Texas . . . then move here as soon as possible! In the meantime, you might be able to order Carolina Reaper Pepper Cheese Puffs from eBay or other third-party sellers online. Herr’s has a version as well, but I have not sampled those (yet).

Tale of the Tape:
Serving Size: 1 oz (28g/about 15 puffs)
Calories: 150
Fat: 10g (3g Sat/0g Trans)
Protein: 1g
Carbs: 15g
Sodium: 390mg

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