March 24, 2025

The Paqui One Chip Challenge for 2021 Is On!

It’s time once again for the Paqui One Chip Challenge! Each year this Austin-based company releases their one scorching hot tortilla chip to challenge those that claim they love spicy food. I missed out on last year’s chip, but I currently have four of the 2021 chips on the way. On their website, they claim that “This chip will destroy you!” The 2021 Carolina Reaper Chip is made with both the Carolina Reaper and Scorpion chilis, and they ask “Are you ready to face the Reaper?” The 2017 chip was certified by Guinness at 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units. There is no indication on the heat level for this year’s challenge yet.

These sell for $6.99 for a single chip. They have a store locator on their website if you want to search for one near you, or you can purchase the chip from (which is what I did).  I will be putting up a post detailing the results of my challenge in the next week or so.

Paqui (prounounced pah-kee) is an Aztec word that means “to be happy”. Their chips are 100% Non-GMO with no artificial ingredients, flavors or preservatives, and they are also Gluten free, Vegan, and contain no trans-fat.  I have previously reviewed their Haunted Ghost Chili Chips on this site (and those definitely bring the heat) as well as their Zesty Salsa Verde Chips (not quite as hot, but good in the flavor department).  They definitely make a good chip, but now it is time to face the 2021 Carolina Reaper Chip challenge.  Do you have what it takes?

Buy the 2021 Paqui One Chip Challenge from

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