March 25, 2025

The Paqui One Chip Challenge Is Back!

The folks at Paqui are at it again and the One Chip Challenge for 2022 is now available.  For those not familiar with it, this is a single chip that is packed with seasoning from the hottest peppers in the world and the challenge is to eat the whole thing and see how far you can go without eating or drinking anything for relief.  According to the scale on their website, if you only go one minute, you are Powerless.  Ten minutes means you are Powerful.  Thirty minutes gets you to Supercharged.  And one hour means you are Invincible!

Following is the description of the 2022 version of the chip: “This year’s high voltage chip contains the super-charged Carolina Reaper Pepper and stinging Scorpion Pepper with a shocking twist, it’ll turn your tongue BLUE!”

They really mean it on that last part as the seasoning apparently does turn your tongue blue.  Personally, I consider this one of the most brilliant marketing ideas out there.  Paqui challenges people to eat this superhot chip knowing that plenty will take the dare and put up videos and posts on the internet describing their experience (and suffering).  So the company gets plenty of PR for free while you get a blue tongue and a belly full of fire!

Last year, I bought four of the 2021 version chips and planned on getting together with a group of friends to do the challenge (yeah, I’m one of the suckers).  COVID complications and other issues kept pushing our get-together and all four of those are currently still sitting in the pantry.  I’ll get at least one of the new ones and possibly try last year’s version as well to compare the two.  The 2022 chip has gone up to $8.99 (vs. $6.99 last year) and Paqui may want to be careful about pricing beyond inflation tolerances.  You can buy them from or check their website for a store near you that is selling them.

If you would like to try Paqui chips without taking the challenge, might I recommend their Haunted Ghost Pepper flavor?  Those definitely still have a kick, but they are more tolerable and the taste is pretty good as well (you can read my review of those here).  If you are looking for something without as much heat (but still tasty), you can try their Zesty Salsa Verde chips or Jalapeno Tropicale.

Buy the 2022 One Chip Challenge from

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