March 25, 2025

Mountain Dew Is Coming Out with Baja Blast . . . Hot Sauce?

Do you love Mountain Dew? Particularly their Baja Blast flavor? Do you love it so much that you are craving a Baja Blast hot sauce?

I’m not certain that many people would have considered that option, but Mountain Dew is indeed putting out a hot sauce based on the popular Baja Blast drink flavor. In celebration of National Hot Sauce Day (which is January 22nd) and in partnership with iBurn hot sauce shop in Houston, this sauce combines the “iconic tropical lime flavor of the beloved Mtn Dew Baja Blast with habanero peppers, green chiles, and jalapeño peppers”.

Not much else is known about the sauce and it will not be available for sale in stores. Instead, you have to enter your information at their website for a chance to win one of 750 bottles from the limited-run edition (I have already submitted my entry). The contest will run through midnight on February 8th.

Apparently, this is not the first time Mountain Dew has put out a hot sauce. In 2020 they partnered with NBA star Joel Embiid (and also iBurn) and created a limited-edition sauce that tipped the scale at two million Scoville units. Word is that the Baja Blast will not be approaching the same heat level!

And speaking of iBurn, somehow I didn’t know that place existed even though it is only one city away. It is located at 9637 Hillcroft St in Houston (literally just a few miles from where I grew up) and you can also purchase directly from their website I will have to make a trip there before too long and I will report back on my findings!

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